The New Albany Bicentennial Commission got students across the district
involved in its Bicentennial Scrapbook Project. The commission is
looking for photos or anything else to include, but students have worked
on drawing their favorite memories of the city.
Pat Harrison said the commission made thousands of pages of scrapbook
paper available for the public to add their contribution, but she thinks
the pictures students draw will show how they feel about the places
they live.
“People love kids,” said Harrison who sits on the commission. “They’re
so innocent, they’re funny because they haven’t been soured or have any
notions of what they do and don’t want to do. I can’t wait to see their
drawings because they’re always so cute.”
Harrison worked with Mary Arnold, elementary art coordinator for the
school district, to get every student from kindergarten to fourth grade
in on the project.
Arnold said students were given some direction, but teachers encourage them to let their imaginations run where they will.
“We just wanted them to make sure they focused on something that was a
positive memory of something they did in New Albany,” Arnold said. “We
didn’t have a specific idea in mind; we wanted them to come up with
their own ideas.”
She said she thinks the drawings will show what was important to this
generation while it was young. She said in an age where many kids play
video games and watch television, she’s seeing a lot of outdoor
activities depicted in the pictures.
“We’re seeing a lot of kids that are drawing pictures of things they
like to do with their family, whether it’s going to Zesto’s or playing
outside,” Arnold said. “We assumed there would be a lot of video games
and TV, but we’re seeing a lot of outdoor activity.”
She said the images should provide a record of some of the places
families visit today, even if they disappear over the years or change.
“I think that people enjoy seeing the innocence of kids’ drawing when
they’re uninhibited,” Arnold said. “They don’t always look perfect, but
the kids can tell you everything that’s going on in the picture. It’s a
great way for them to communicate.”
But Harrison said she wants the rest of the community to get involved
in the project, too. She said parents or anyone else can pick up
materials and information, as well as drop off finished products at
Riverview Towers, the New Albany-Floyd County Public Library, the
Carnegie Center for Art and History or at the Arts Council of Southern
Indiana along Market Street.
“It’s something that’s exciting to do and look through one day to see
what all we have in there,” Harrison said. “There’s all kinds of ways to
do these scrapbooks. Ours may not be as fancy as some, but it’s still
going to be a lot fun.”
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